amethyst View larger

€ 195,00


1 Item

species: quartz

variety: amethyst

weight: 6,15 ct

measurement: 15,9 x 11,2  mm

origin: Brazil


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Amethyst is the purple-violet variety of macrocrystalline quartz, characterizazed by the formation of large and transparent crystals. Its name came from the ancient greek "améthystos" which means "not inebriated" moivated by the myth that this mineral prevented drunkness.

Quartz is part of the trigonal system, it is charactherized by hexagonal-based crystals with two rombohedros at the bases. Its formation is hydrotermal by the heating, the dissolution of the chimical elements wich crystalized into quartz.            The colour of amethyst comprend shades between lilac to intense purple is due to the bivalent iron. Amethys has hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.

The myths and old story tell us about the proprieties of amethyst which is a stimulates the spiritual awareness, coherence, strengthening the sense of justice and crytical ability. Futhermore, it is said that its useful in sadness moment caused by demage or a losses suffered.

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